(852) 6638 3838

A hub reunion of all businesses and specialists
Welcome to Regenhub
We provide business center for professionals, entrepreneurs and startups.
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Regenhub is unique...
because we are pioneer in
... business center for CPAs, workplaces for business consultants, and CPAs' automation.
Regenhub plays a vital role in pioneering and advancing the engagement works between CPAs and their clients. We build more than ordinary business center, but a step forward to dedicated workplace and community for CPAs.
Regenhub unify professionals by maintaining their business workplaces. Elites in the field of employment, financial, insurance, IT, legal and marketing professionals etc. are filtered, selected and introduced to one another with the right business professionals.
Our consultants are fellow CPAs and tax advisers possessing brilliant tax academic achievements with solid working and practical expertise.
We provide apps, create IT solutions and provide support to enhance practice management of CPAs.
16/F, Empress Plaza, 17-19 Chatham Rd South,
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 6638 3838
Mon - Fri : 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday : 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday : Closed